What can people do when they're impatient? First of all, start focusing on what you can control, stop focusing on what you cannot control. That's the golden rule in most areas of our lives. ~Daisy

TRANSCRIPT Episode 53 - Patience


life, people, attitude, patience, impatient, cashier, situation, patient, listeners, episode, thoughts, starts, change, impatience, happen, moment, grocery store, feel, helps


Kathi, Daisy

Daisy 00:03

Bold and Blonde, welcome to the Mindset Evolution podcast. Hear about tip, trick skills, tool, inspiration, mental hygiene, know what you want and how to create what you desire to achieve predictable results and create a content life wherever you are. And here are your hosts, Kathi Tait and Daisy Papp.

Kathi 00:27

And hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Bald and Blonde Mindset Evolution. I'm Kathi Tait the bald warrior, your host from Australia and with me, as always is Daisy Papp, your host from Florida Keys. How's summer going over there, Daisy?

Daisy 00:48

Hello, my dear friend Down Under. Well, I'm doing fine, summer is lovely. The breeze is still very pleasant on my skin. So it is nice to dry my hair outdoors, and I'm quite happy and content, and how is winter Down Under?

Kathi 01:04

Well, I've been sitting in the morning sun here, Daisy, it has been just delightful. It's quite mild here in winter during the day, which means I can actually get in the sun because usually I burn like a crisp, so it is really pleasant, I'm very happy about it. Today I have an awesome topic for us, Daisy.

Daisy 01:24

Mmm, bring it on!

Kathi 01:26

Dear listeners out there, Daisy never knows what the topic is going to be until we start talking, so we keep our conversations completely genuine and flowing right off the top of our heads. No scripts at our house. Today we are going to talk about patience.

Daisy 01:46

Ah ha, that's very interesting. So that is something that actually you put me through every single time we record, you're testing my patience, aha, now I see your strategy (laughter).

Kathi 01:55

Happy to help test you, Daisy.

Daisy 02:03

Okay, well, I volunteer, actually patience is a great topic. And the first thing that comes to my mind, I was in an office supply store last year in Miami, and it was just so slow, I couldn't believe that there were three people working and nothing really happened. We weren't going ahead. I actually was there because I wanted to print some brochures of my nail art, steel nails. And behind me was a gentleman and actually I saw him being impatient, so I turned around and I said, isn't it awesome that we are actually for free in a boot camp for patience right now. And he just started laughing and he says I like your attitude; I like your attitude. So we start conversing and actually a very nice relation started from that, which I will share about in a blog post on my website later on, because it's quite amazing who you can meet while you're patient. But only when you know how to be patient.

Kathi 03:01

It is interesting, I think that when we are impatient, we lose the ability to live in the moment, don't we?

Daisy 03:10

Well, you see, this is the thing. In reality, the only moment that we always have is now, everything else is an illusion. So I believe that the best is making the best out of the present moment. That's why it's called present because it's a gift. Of course, I have endured impatience throughout my life. And I do not really like being impatient. So I started to uncondition myself. And I'm rather a very patient person, I consider myself that I can handle life very patiently. Of course, sometimes there are triggers, and there are situations where I'm tested. Are you sure that you're patient, are you certain that you know how patience works, and are you sure that actually impatience can be also existent in your life? And then I reconsider and I actually re-collect myself, because that's where it all starts. It's really not the outside forces and the outside happenings, it's how we respond to it that's key.

Kathi 04:11

Yeah, absolutely agree with that. And to go back to your example, just to clarify for the listeners, if you had have been impatient at that moment and let that get to you, you wouldn't have spoken to that person in line and created a brand new relationship, like what an opportunity that would have been missed, had you not had control of your feelings of impatience and being able to, I don't know, talk yourself down, or I know that you're fairly evolved, so you might not even need to talk to yourself, but maybe that's something that would help our listeners when they're feeling impatient in the moment. What would you suggest that they do if they've got that feeling, because it's quite an obvious feeling, I think that comes over you, you start feeling impatient, you get frustrated, and it can turn really bad, fairly fast. if you let yourself get swept away with that.

Daisy 05:11

I believe patience is an attitude. So it is how I carry myself. That's my attitude. So if I would have been impatient and also verbally expressed that, but now let's come on, come on, let's it's not that impossible. Our conversation with that gentleman there standing in line behind me would have gone a very different direction, but because my attitude is usually in life, trying to make the best out of any and every single situation, helped me and it also helped him because he was quite impatient. He said, well, but what are they doing here, and it's quite interesting. I give the listeners a little bit of a peek what happened there. The gentleman who was standing behind me, he wanted to print out his manuscript for his new book. And I did not know really, of course, he introduced himself, but I didn't know what this all was about. And it's really, it's a global, huge company that is known, similar to Coca Cola actually, worldwide, and he was the CEO for 35 years of that company and that brand, and you see, he was impressed by my attitude. I'm certain he would have not been impressed if I would have been upset and maybe throw a fit or a temper tantrum, because he has seen those probably through his career, and I found it quite impressive how impressive I appeared to him. So that is how we were able to start talking. And of course, then he shared with me that the publishing company is pushing him because they wanted to have his autobiography already 10 years ago, and now finally, it's in its final stages. And at that time, he told me the company name, but I did not know actually, that then he was the owner of the company as well. So it's quite interesting. It's a very interesting story, because here we can see through this particular example, that patience actually pays off you see, literally, in this case.

Kathi 07:05

Yes, it certainly did, certainly did. Yeah, it's interesting. I know that in some areas of my life, I struggle with being patient. I think that's because part of my personality is action focused and I like to have things happening. And when I put a lot of effort in, I like to see results and sometimes that doesn't turn out the way that I had envisaged, and so occasionally, I think that I struggle with being patient with the things that I have no real control over. So I think that must be an issue. Let's talk about that.

Daisy 07:44

Now we're talking (laughter). Well, impatience actually, is very clearly a sign that reality as we perceive it, at the very moment, the now, which is the only moment we always have, is quite different from the vision that we have in our head. There is a very cute little German, saying, I'm trying to translate it into English, which is quite a challenge, because the meaning changes when you translate things like that. But there is a saying, so mankind thinks, and God drives, or God leads, meaning that if you're religious or not, so it's like humankind, can have the vision, whatever they want, but then things may happen in a different, unexpected way. Now, back to the question, what you asked prior, what can people do when they're impatient? First of all, start focusing on what you can control, stop focusing on what you cannot control. That's the golden rule in most areas of our lives. Because what we cannot control, what an effort we're putting in there, for what reason? Because what's your ROI on it? You're the accountant.

Kathi 08:54

Yes, yes. And you're quite right about that. And I do think that you're completely right, but I've also got this point of view where, you know, I put all this effort and work into an outcome that I envisage, and I believe I can create it, I believe I can make it happen with my hard work and my perseverance and my repetitive actions, and we've talked about this in other episodes. And so I also understand that focusing only on what you can control is super important, because otherwise you're just wasting your energy. And for me, it is finding that fine line in all of that where I've got a vision, I'm working towards it, and then I have to let go of how it happens.

Daisy 09:41

I think that's a very good point. Very good point. There is another point to it. I'd like to mention now that you pointed this out. When we have that vision in our head, then all our energy goes towards that vision and we

stop being flexible, and that causes so many problems because if we were focusing on an outcome, not specific, but on an outcome, and then be flexible in the ways how it will come out, then we will be, first of all training our physique, to be flexible. There are many spiritual teachers that say that physical flexibility comes from mental flexibility, and I do believe there is some truth to it in my personal experience. So when we try to focus on the how it must happen to get a specific outcome, because now here's the question. So you have a vision, give me a vision, give me an example. So what is the situation where you feel impatient? Let's say when you are in traffic, are you impatient in traffic, or when you're in the grocery store and waiting in line or when you're waiting for a response, and it's not arriving, when you are waiting for an email, because you need that email to be able to move ahead? What is a moment in your life where you feel impatience?

Kathi 10:58

Okay, all right, everyday scenario, because it doesn't seem to happen so much with the big things. So one of the times that I probably get most impatient is something that everyone else out there is probably going relate to, and it's when the supermarket super busy, they don't have enough cashiers on, there's a giant big line for the self-service, and I'm standing there going, I have got better things to do with my time, than wait to get my stuff paid for. So probably, that would be a time that I would get impatient. And I think most of our listeners can probably relate to that, because it feels like your time is being wasted. And I would also say that the other scenario that happens to me is, if I'm at a medical doctor's, they seem to always run behind in time with no thought for your time, and I think that can be quite frustrating as well.

Daisy 11:54

I think this is a very good example. So standing in the supermarket line, at the cashier's checkout and you think to yourself, I have better things to do. Now, that thought itself already sets you up for a specific way how you feel, how you carry yourself, and one of these thoughts may lead to another, and then other thoughts related to that may come up and show up. So I suggest stop right here. I know how it feels, because I can clearly relate to what you're going through. And I was just like that, and I stopped doing that. Because when I'm in a situation where I need to wait, where I don't want to wait, and I didn't anticipate to wait, but now I'm in the situation, I must wait unless I leave everything in the shopping cart and just leave and then I have to do it one more round, I come back when there's less people in the grocery store, and then I have to pick the items one more time. So that really would make me work twice. I suggest what is your experience? How can you change and shift your experience? Now first of all, can you change it? Question? Can you change the situation? Because if you can change it, if you know how the supermarket cashier checkout machine works, go ahead and do it. But if you can't, then there's a question of acceptance. Would you agree?

Kathi 13:08

I would agree, yes.

Daisy 13:09

So be there in the moment and try making the best out of it. Actually, let me correct this do the best out of it. Make it, do it. You're the creator of your experience, nobody else. Mishaps happen, more often than not, and especially when we would compare them to the envision that we saw "geniusly" invented in our head, and then project that this should be happening just the way as it is in my picture. Well, life is usually not actually responding to that picture at all times, in every single detail. So in that moment, when you are already there, make the best out of it, pick one of your super thoughts. I call it super thoughts, I think it's a good idea for our listeners, when they're in a calm moment, when they're in a harmonious mindset, when they feel good. Just pick three thoughts that are so amazing from your life. And if you don't have that experience, then something that you really like, oh, wow, and I saw there on National Geographics. I saw these horses there, or I saw the wildlife there in Africa, or I saw the fauna and the flora in Japan and how it differs from that in Thailand or in Cambodia, or you see, so pick something so that you can have it handy. And make it your habit that when you're in a situation that you cannot control, and there's nothing you can do about it, that then you escape within your head. You're physically there waiting in line at the cashiers, but go to a thought that makes you feel good, so your entire experience will change. Because let's face it, the person there who's working at the cashier, it's not their fault, when all of the sudden there may be more people shopping at the same time, mmh?

Daisy 13:09

So now when I focused on what I cannot control, because I cannot control to make the line go faster, or to have less people there, all of a sudden make them disappear with my little magic stick or whatever, I have, magic wand, so that really doesn't work in real life most of the time, as far as I'm concerned. So make the best out of the situation, when you cannot change it, then accept it. When you can change it, do something about it. It's like the beautiful letter Y. When you look at it, it's almost like a fork in the road, it's up to you how you will experience the situation. Now when you think to yourself, oh, I've got better things to do, you were not born with that. A little child when it would be waiting there, in your position, it would probably look at the cashiers, they usually have some papers there, and there are so many other people to look at, and then there may be some chewing gums or maybe some little chocolate bars or maybe some water bottles. There's so many things where you can find beauty in. So it really is your mindset that will create the experience while you're there. I believe you're wasting your time when you spend it in an attitude that's poisoning to you, your body, your immune system, your well-being overall. So look around what other people do, look around how maybe the wheels of the shopping-cart work if you're interested in mechanics of shopping-cart wheels, it's just an example. Or look what else you can do, or maybe sit there, stand there, or usually people stand we here, I don't know if you have that there, but they have also the shopping carts where you can sit on, so that are electric for those who have difficulty walking.

Kathi 16:26

Absolutely not. Absolutely. And I like the idea of having some super thoughts ready. Because I think that there's a lot of people out there that overthink the wrong things, or negative things and can get their mind into a little bit of trouble.

Daisy 16:45

That's what we do, and stop doing it.

Kathi 16:47

In fact, the super thoughts idea is one of the things I use to get me to sleep, because I'm one of those people that once everything goes quiet and the lights go out, I lie in bed and my mind starts going over stuff. And so one of my mind tricks is to have one of these super thoughts ready, so I can just focus on that one thing and let my imagination go and usually I just drop off to sleep without even realizing it.

Daisy 17:15

That's a very good idea. Very interesting. What you can also do, you can go on our website, the baldandblonde.live (hint for you, Kathi), and download the ideal night's sleep program, which is quite helpful for people around the globe based on their feedback. That's one thing. The next thing is, oh, I don't want to fall asleep, I don't want to fall asleep. Let me stay awake, let me stay awake, let me stay awake. Why? Because the brain is biased, and it usually doesn't understand the 'no' the word no, so the negation, and then you will just fall asleep. But again, I don't want to fall asleep, I don't want to fall asleep, I do believe there are more pleasant experiences that we can have. Yes, go into a paradisiac imagination. Look at this beautiful picture, add smell to it, listen to the sounds of it, feel how it feels. Notice the temperature through your five senses do that, or really just imagine yourself being asleep, that's very helpful too. Or you can just roll up your eyeballs and just keep your eyeballs up, keep your eyeballs up, and then after a while, then you take a deep breath and then you close your eyeballs, and that helps too. But there's a little bit more of technical background to it, it's just the short version of what we're using in the Ideal Night's Sleep Program. But back to patience, so when we spend too much energy on things that we cannot change, we are actually harming ourselves to the degree where spending or overspending energy to things that will not make a change.

Kathi 18:48

Yes. And I think that creates frustration within yourself too, doesn't it?

Daisy 18:53

I agree with you. And I'm certain that many listeners can agree to that. Now, here's the thing we need to understand as humans, that not everything is going the way how we envisioned it. That is just part of life. There are things that we can do to create or co- create, and then there are things that we cannot. Now how you will spend that time. Look, when you're fixated on that idea, you're going to the supermarket, and then you're going to grab what you need, put it in your shopping cart, go to the self-checkout, or go to the checkout, and you will be done, let's say in 15 minutes, I'm just making up this number. And then things happen in a different way. Now, when you then keep that picture, oh, I thought I will be out of here in 15 minutes, I have better things to do. Then you're in a kind of an energy that you're generating, instead of saying, okay, this is what it is, and I'm going to make the best out of it. How can I make the best out of it? Maybe there's someone behind me, maybe I can interact with them. Maybe I ask them how are you doing? Or maybe throw in the line that I use to throw in, oh isn't it great, we're in a patience boot camp for free right now. We can practice patience without paying a dime for the course. Attitude.

Kathi 20:09

Attitude, I think you can set yourself up for some success here. I know that if I have a doctor's appointment booked, I now have the knowledge that it is probably not going to run on time, because that is my long-term experience. I don't think I've ever, ever got into a doctor's appointment on time. Because doctors traditionally consistently run late. So I take a book with me.

Kathi 20:37

and I sit there, and I take the opportunity to catch up on some reading and the time goes really fast. I don't get impatient, and my attitude doesn't decline as a result, because I prepared myself for the eventuality that I'm going to have to wait. And so I've accepted it already, that I can't change that, and that I've given myself something productive to do, so I don't feel like my time is being wasted either.

Daisy 20:37

Very good,

Daisy 21:06

Well, your time is never wasted. Never, you can only spend it. Waste it? How can it be wasted? It's just your consideration how you perceive it as if you were wasting it,

Kathi 21:17


Daisy 21:17

 but you're not wasting it.

Kathi 21:18

I think he can certainly feel like you've wasted time.

Daisy 21:22

Yes, I agree.

Daisy 21:23

It feels like it. But actually, it's not because time is time. And all we have is now how we spend it is up to us, internally.

Kathi 21:31


Daisy 21:31


Kathi 21:32


Daisy 21:32

And that then will have an impact on how I will maybe respond to other people, because maybe the assistant there at the doctor's office, it's not her fault. And even if it's her fault, why do I need to add to that and make things worse for anyone. I try to be a very patient person, not because of anyone else, I do it for me, so I can be more peaceful within me. And everyone surrounding me gets the benefit from me taking care of me, you see, that's how it goes. It's not be more patient, that's not how it goes. No, when you understand that situations do happen very differently from how you envisioned it, be open, and be open for a miracle instead of the worst-case scenario. You see, because that's also an attitude.

Daisy 21:47

I think that's really important that what you just pointed out here, that you are patient for your own sake.

Daisy 22:27

Yes surely,

Kathi 22:28

because it starts with self, and we are all about self-care, and mental hygiene, and teaching people how to be happier within themselves. And so the attitude that you have, every single moment of the day is either hurting yourself or helping yourself. And I think that's a choice, yes.

Daisy 22:54

Yes, and I believe in order to make that choice, we need to be aware that yes, there will be situations in my life that I cannot control, more often than not, because that control freak attitude is actually an illusion. There are many companies that make big bucks with that, to sell you the illusion that okay, all under control and then it may not be so much under control. It happened in history before. So now another good thing that you can do, when you see me driving up or down here, you as one here in the Keys. And let's say there's a traffic light because we have those too. And let's say we have lots of tourists here. Let's say they just look around and then they may be looking at their GPS, so where should I go and then they look oh, there's another palm tree. Oh, look at that boat. Oh, look at this mall. There's a little store. Let me just go this way. So sometimes you stand at red light for three rounds, four rounds. When you see a person there in a car smiling grinning to their ears. That's me. Why? Because I'm not going to allow outside circumstances to punish my blood pressure, my heart rate, my attitude, my inner peace because of something that I cannot control. I'm not giving my power away. In the past, I did. Those days are over. So grin for 60 seconds, fake smile for 60 seconds, you will feel better. Looks weird, feels weird, does an amazing job within you.

Kathi 24:27

Yeah. Explain to our listeners why that works. Daisy, this is fascinating.

Daisy 24:31

Yeah, well, I do believe we had that in the laughter episode where we explained it and maybe in other episodes, we also touched on it. Well, when we laugh or when we really big grin or when we smile big time almost until the ears then there is a muscle in our cheeks that pushes a nerve behind, that signals to the brain hey, it's all good, let's be happy. And why not use that for your benefit in a situation when you have to wait? Also you will look much friendlier, and you will look much more appealing. And maybe you make some friends that they say, oh, you're smiling. What are you smiling about? Can you share? I would like to smile too.

Kathi 25:12

I love it.

Daisy 25:12

And then tell them well, there's a nerve behind your cheek muscle, and then that will send a signal to your brain, and it will make you feel better, try it out. And then you have already two people grinning. And who knows what happens, then you see?

Kathi 25:24

Yes. Yes, like a cascade, actually, smiling.

Daisy 25:29

It's contagious.

Kathi 25:30


Daisy 25:31

No, the laughter actually is more contagious. But nevertheless, it makes people wonder. And this is I believe how we can spread good into this world, by doing it, not by expecting it and demanding it. No, by doing it, inspire others, lead by example, live by an example. That's what I believe in humbly.

Kathi 25:50

Yeah, there's a great quote I saw again the other day that I think fits and it says if you want love, be love.

Daisy 25:58

Clear. I agree. I agree with, yes.

Kathi 26:01

And as our listeners probably know, by now, we do believe that love is the answer. And on that note, if you have not got Daisy's book, "The Formula for Finding True Love", you should go check that out. It is in our shop, baldandblonde.live; it's only $9.95 to download. So I would grab that because it is life changing people, and very easy to read as well, Daisy, I certainly loved reading it.

Daisy 26:29

Yeah. And then if you want to try just to have a freebie, I can totally understand that we just put that on the website where you can have a free download for three chapters. So you can have the first three chapters of The Island Model for free as an audio book. So you can go and find that too on baldandblonde.live. And so, one more thing to patience, when we are hungry, I do believe it is important to eat. Why, because the blood sugar can go down. And it is not feeling very comfortable when we are hungry, if you can, eat. When you're thirsty, drink. When you're tired, and you can afford to lay down or take a break., even if it's just a power nap, give yourself the rest you need. And you will also be more patient. Because when we give ourselves the attention that we need, then it becomes also more easy to be patient at moments when we don't need it so much, where it's not that important, when it's not about life or death. So when we start becoming more kind to ourselves, then it also is easier to take that kind of self with you even into inpatient situations, like the grocery store, which is maybe really going on your nerves that, ah I thought 15 minutes. Of course, when you're in a rush, because you have another appointment and leave the things there and just go and say, okay, so great opportunity to go shopping again, you see, it's your attitude, your thinking is creating your life experience. The way you talk to yourself, the thoughts you pick, the thoughts that you spend time with, and you can change that. And be patient with yourself. That's a very important part as well. Because let's say so, for example, I'm learning some really, for me exciting new things. And I have to say, I thought it would be easier in some aspects and it's not, and it's time consuming, but I'm so eager to learn it, so I continue. And then I could say to myself, well, ah now I'm stupid, why can I not learn faster? No, I'm not. I'm patient. This is brand new material. These are brand new thinking patterns to be established, because it has to do with train the brain because I really like to teach brain friendly, that's why my clients get faster results and lasting results. So I'm very curious about it. But in the meantime, when I'm let's say saying Okay, so within two days, I know this, or within an hour I will get this. Why do I need to put myself such a time pressure on myself? Why? Well, when I need to go to the airport and catch a plane, different story?

Kathi 28:59

Sure. I think that we can possibly condition ourselves to have very high expectations, which could then lead to frustration and impatience. And I think that you've got a really great point around self-care. Because when you are looking after yourself physically, then the mental health kind of just follows, I think and it's easier to have a positive outlook when you feel good within yourself as well.

Daisy 29:29


Kathi 29:29

So I think they're really important tips that people should take on board is that this is not a standalone issue. But none of the things that we talk about really are standalone issues. They're all very joined to each other in a way that it all starts with how we think and then how we act.

Daisy 29:51

Starts from within. How do you treat yourself within and then you make that into your standards? By repeating these thinking patterns, you're repeating specific attitudes, so they become a habit. Now these habits can become a standard. And then you have a brand-new art of standing, stand art, standing the art of standing in life overall. And I think we had just an episode that is about standards and values, or was it standards alone? I'm so confused.

Kathi 30:22

No, it was standards and values that came out a couple of weeks ago, you're quite right. We have so many episodes now, it is hard to remember all the names. (Laughter) But yeah,

Daisy 30:30

Yeah, so the art of standing, that's a standard. So now when I have that standard, that I will be patient with myself, I naturally will become more patient with others, because then now I understand oh, what's going on in them?

Kathi 30:42

Yes, if you look at yourself, listeners, you'll know if you have a habit of being impatient with yourself, with others, and a little bit of self-awareness will tell you whether this is an area that you need to start working on.

Daisy 30:59

Well, because impatience also causes lots of stress, causes lots of fear, feeds the fear, I cannot get it done, I cannot get it done. The breathing changes, the heart rate changes, the blood pressure changes. It's not very healthy, and the only person who can do something about it is you. Why? Because you cannot control the outside world. You can learn how to control how you respond to the outside world. And I do believe that is the key to healthy longevity.

Kathi 31:30

Yeah, 100%. If you have not listened to our other episodes yet, please go back and have a listen starting with episode one, which is the foundation for our podcast. But also another really great couple of episodes that I think fit really well with this topic, are Fear, and Helplessness, because they both speak to how you can feel when things are out of your control, and what you can do about that to help yourself evolve.

Daisy 32:01

And nevertheless, just accept that life is, period. And it never said that life is the way I want it. That's not the key. So life is. Make the best out of it, be flexible. Let go of the how the vision is going to happen. Look, when you were impatient last time you were at the grocery store thinking to yourself, well, I have better things to do. Did you still get all the groceries that you wanted to get? And did you bring them home safely? And did they arrive to your fridge or to your fruit basket or wherever you wanted to store them?

Kathi 32:34

 Absolutely they did.

Daisy 32:35

So you're an achiever, you achieved actually what you wanted to do, not in the time-frame that you expected it to happen. But now, remember, expectation is the highway for disappointment. Actually, Shakespeare says expectation is the root of all heartache. So go with the flow. Life is, and wherever you are, look at the beauty around you. There's so much more beauty to spend time with and to realize, to recognize, to see it. And if there's an elderly person behind you in line when you're at the grocery store, maybe ask them hey, how you doing today. Ask them sincerely, engage in a conversation, spend that time you're waiting either way you want it or not, spend it with grace, and peace. Spread the love you have in your heart, spread that. People already know that there's so much poison out there, I'm not even talking about biological or chemical poison, I'm talking about verbal poison. We have seen so many angry people in our lives. I think we're all overdosed on that. Let's change it, be the patient, loving, caring, generous person in situations that you cannot change. And worst case, grin for 60 seconds. It helps.

Kathi 33:56

And remember, live in the moment, guys, because all we really have is right here, right now.

Daisy 34:01

That's it. That's key. And you cannot change it no matter how patient or impatient you are. All you have is now. That's it.

Kathi 34:10

Absolutely. We hope this episode has helped you guys. We hope that you can relate. I'm sure that you can. I think it's a universal issue. Thanks once again for your time. We really appreciate you listening and sharing our podcast with your family and friends. And we really appreciate your financial support. So thank you to all of you out there, you know who you are. Keep it up, keep sharing the word. We can't wait to reach everybody all around the globe, and we're having so much fun doing it. Thanks again to you, Daisy, once again for your expertise.

Daisy 34:49

My joy and please listeners, when you can, support us to keep these episodes ad-free. It's my passion to give this to the world. It's my gift and I know it's Kathi's gift as well. So we're doing this because we're passionate about it and we know that it helps you. So please, if you can support us to keep this ad-free, because I do not have the feeling that an advertisement of any sort would have a good place here. So enjoy your time and we'll talk to you soon for sure.

Kathi 35:20

And you can support us by going to baldandblonde.live, you can hit us up on Patreon as a monthly supporter, or you can go to our shop, you can buy our books, our empowering audio programs, grab something there that takes your fancy and see how it helps you change your life because that's what we're all about helping you do.

Daisy 35:42

That's right.

Kathi 35:43

That's it from us this week. You have been listening to another episode of Bald and Blonde

Daisy 35:49

Mindset Evolution. Talk to you next time.

Daisy 35:54

Thank you for tuning in to the Bald and Blonde Mindset Evolution podcast. If you love what you're hearing, please subscribe to our podcast. In our show notes, you'll find the link to our Facebook group where you can personally connect with Daisy and Kathi and the link to our website where you can find all of our previous episodes and much more of goodies so you can get more value. Please leave us a review on Apple podcast or Podchaser, that really helps out the show and help us to get some powerful feedback from you. Talk to you soon.

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